Saturday, February 14, 2009

Model: Making con't. part deux

Hallo. I have new photos of the 'model for washing contaminated soil and excavating hidden artifacts'.

What's new?

I have installed the plexiglass container on a table in studio. It is hooked up to the water circulation system: Water comes into the model over two slate tiles, and it exits at the other end through valves. Both the output and input water is served from glass fish tank next to the container.

I have glued the foundation pieces inside the plexiglass container, and covered them with a wet clay.

I have suspended a camera and two lights above the table. The camera is fixed into a cradle that is held up by a plank of wood spanning between two beams in the ceiling grid. The plank platform is a central space for hooking-up all my electrical devices from a power source in the grid, and away from the water! I can also use the plank later on to install a projector, or any other devices that may come into play with the model's development.

About photographing the model.

I have begun to take timed lapsed pictures of the model in plan view. The camera I installed in the cradle is hooked up to my computer and by way of a a software program, I can continuously record the model, adjust the camera's settings, image quality, etc... With the photographic data, I may create a video of the models progress, and, later on, project onto the model a video of what it once was.

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